Terms of Use
Terms of Use Statements
  1. This entire website is owned and operated by Jeff Gnass Photography™ ("Jeff Gnass, Inc."), a d/b/a of Jeff Gnass, Inc. All material ("content") on this website, in whole and in part, is the property of Jeff Gnass, Inc. and is protected under United States and international copyright and trademark laws. This includes, but is not limited to, photographs, illustrations, graphics, artwork, text, lists, articles, and data. Also protected is all application, database, web page and web server programming, and other software created by, or licensed by, Jeff Gnass, Inc. for the development, production, and operation of this website and the host computer network. Other products and software owned, leased, or licensed by Jeff Gnass, Inc. and used herein also are protected by their respective owners under copyright, patent, and trademark laws.

  2. None of the content on this website is in the public domain. No portion of this website may be downloaded, distributed, published, altered, stored, transmitted, or copied, electronically or by any other means known now or in the future, without express written permission from Jeff Gnass, Inc. or its designated agents. This rule applies to individuals, businesses, and organizations alike, with exceptions noted in paragraph IV, which allows for content usage by creative professionals. Content is watermarked, visibly and nonvisibly, to track and assure copyright protection. Violating copyright or trademark laws carries significant penalties. We have a record of diligently pursuing and successfully enforcing our intellectual property rights.

  3. We do not allow any photographs, on our website or published anywhere else, to be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without express written permission. This restriction applies to any personal use of photos as well as all other uses. Such permission always constitutes a limited usage license and a fee is charged. We are lawfully bound to uphold the licenses and contracts we have entered into with our clients in order to protect the interests they have acquired by licensing our images. In many cases, violation of the copyright of our photographs impacts more than just us. Such a violation will often cause collateral infringement of the intellectual property of a Fortune 500 company, in which case violators are responsible and liable for additional damages incurred by our clients.

  4. Creative Professionals who have registered, or who have been issued an account or digital token to access this website, may download content for the sole purpose of design and layout composition ("comping"). All identification marks and attributions, visible or nonvisible, must be maintained and remain affixed to the content. That means the name "Jeff Gnass, Inc." or "Jeff Gnass Photography™", the copyright symbol, and all identification marks and attributions must remain affixed to the content in whatever form the content is stored or transmitted. Comp images may be transmitted to your client for review and approval. No distribution beyond this limited usage is permitted by you or your clients. Unless agreed to in writing, content may only be stored in electronic form for a period of 30 days, after which all copies must be effectively erased, or otherwise destroyed, from any and all computer fixed storage devices, network attached storage systems, Internet attached storage systems, and removable storage media.

  1. No content on this website, including photographs, illustrations, graphics, and artwork may be used as a reference for the purpose for producing "likeness" copies or "similar" images intended to be represented as newly created works.

  2. Due to local, United States, and international privacy laws regulating the solicitation and collection of personal information from children, visitors under 18-years-old are not allowed to register on this website. Refer to our Privacy policies for details.

  3. You may be asked to set up, or automatically be assigned, a user account, password, or digital token in order to access content on this website and the host computer network. Any access is a limited privilege granted by this license, and constitutes limited authorization to use information and digital files on this website and the host computer network. The terms and conditions of authorized access are determined solely by Jeff Gnass, Inc. and site administrators. Any authorized access may be modified or revoked at any time by site administrators without prior notice to the user.

  4. Unauthorized use of this website and of the host computer network, including legal and illegal activities, for any purposes whatsoever, either through a data port connection to the network, or by physical access to any computer on the host network, is strictly prohibited.

  5. Activities on this website and on the host computer network may be monitored and logged at the sole discretion of Jeff Gnass and site administrators.

  6. Access to this website and the content on this website is without any warranties, or warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and is without any guarantees of service or performance. If use of this website, or the content herein, does not meet your needs, your only remedy is to cease your activity hereon.

  7. Unless otherwise provided for in writing by Jeff Gnass, Inc., or its designated agents, this constitutes the complete agreement between you and Jeff Gnass, Inc. for accessing this website. By using this website you agree to and are bound by any and all of the terms and conditions set forth herein.

last updated Thr, 05 May 2011
version 1.15

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